NHS England Review Workshop – A blog update from Kate Chate

Kate is a Family Representative of Learning Disability England’s Representative Body.

NHS England’s Children and Young People Quality Transformation Programme workshop

As a family representative on the Members Representative Body at Learning Disability England I went to a workshop about a review NHS England are doing on Children & Young People (Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism) Inpatient Services.

NHS England showed a presentation about the work they have done so far, and what they have heard from people and services about what works well now and how these services should work in the future. You can look at the feedback they got in the presentation here.

The main points for me were that there’s a focus on early support, at home and/or nearer to home.

I told them we would like to see that the new model of work has strong links to education and children’s social care, to support staff and prevent issues earlier, so that more help can happen at home before families reach breaking point.

People, families and staff working in organisations can sign up to the Clinical Reference Group Stakeholder Registration – NHS England – Citizen Space to get updates and have your voices heard on how this service and similar services should work.