Where I Want to Live

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Blog by Louise Keevil, founding trustee and Acting CEO of Where I Want to Live

Chapter 1 of Good Lives: Building Change Together is about ‘A Home’.

And the importance of everyone having a choice about where they live and who they live with.

You may know that at Where I Want to Live we share this vision of a country where adults with learning disabilities have choice about where and how they live. 

We are taking steps towards this and the first thing we are doing is creating a toolkit that lots of people, who are aged between 18 and 35 years, can use.  

The toolkit starts by taking us back to basics and finding out what people actually want.

Read more  “Where I Want to Live”

Co-chairs statement: Ukraine

Yesterday we heard about how some disabled people are living in Ukraine.

Through the news reports we saw the institutions people are living in and the kinds of support some people get.

Like a lot of people, we were shocked and upset.

We want everyone to be valued, supported and belong in their community.

Read more  “Co-chairs statement: Ukraine”

Reporting discrimination and failure – it’s time for accountability and change

Last week Kings College London and the NHS published the LeDeR report for 2021-22.

You can read the report here

You can read the easy read version here

The annual LeDeR report gives the statistics and findings from NHS reviews following the deaths of people with a learning disability.

This year’s report shows that people with learning disabilities are dying on average 22 years younger than in the general population.

Read more  “Reporting discrimination and failure – it’s time for accountability and change”

Bringing the CHC Framework in line with the Health and Care Act 2022 – CHC update June 2022

Guest blog by Alison Giraud-Saunders, Learning Disability England’s volunteer representative on the CHC Alliance and the NHS CHC national stakeholder group.

NHS Continuing Healthcare (NHS CHC for short) is funding from the NHS for a complete package of health and associated social care needs for an adult.

Read more  “Bringing the CHC Framework in line with the Health and Care Act 2022 – CHC update June 2022”