Good Lives Manifesto 2024

The Good Lives Manifesto 2024 lays out important changes that people with learning disabilities, family members, and the people who work with them would like to see in the next government.

On this page you will find all the information about the Good Lives Manifesto 2024.

A manifesto is a type of plan that lets people know about good ideas and goals from political parties or organisations. A manifesto can let politicians know what is important to people and how they can help to make the ideas happen.

There will be a General Election held in the next year.

A General Election is when people vote for a Member of Parliament (an MP) from a political party to help make laws and run the country. There are different political parties to choose from.

This manifesto has been coproduced and built from a number of campaigns and actions, bringing people and organisations together on what they think are the most important priorities for the next government to take action on to make Good Lives possible.

The manifesto has 10 pages. On each page there is information on what action people want and why that is important.

There is a One-Page Summary of the manifesto.

There is an easy read version of the manifesto too

There is also a briefing document that has 17 pages. This is about all the different sections in the manifesto, where they have come from and why they are important.

It includes facts and figures that can help you explain why this matters to people with learning disabilities and their families.

There are different ways you take action using the manifesto:

  1. You can share it with the candidates standing to be your local MP to let them know what is important to people with learning disabilities.

Ask them to Pledge to support the Manifesto.

2. Share it with the people and organisations you know to ask them to share it with their local candidates

3. Use it in your work with local decision makers too so they know what changes many people want and how they can help

4. Share your actions and the responses from local candidates with other Learning Disability England members.

Download the Manifesto here:

Good Lives manifesto 

More than 450 people from the 680 organisations and individual members decide on 6 key areas for change to ensure that people with learning disabilities can live Good Lives. 

We demand that the new government: 

Be a champion for the rights of people with learning disabilities 

Reform social care so it upholds the rights of people with learning disabilities + their families gives fair pay for workers.  

social care so it upholds the rights of people with learning disabilities + their families gives fair pay for workers. Reform social care so it upholds the rights of people with learning disabilities + their families gives fair pay for workers. 

Provide good health services that ensure people with learning disabilities have better + live longer  

longer. Provide good health services that ensure people with learning disabilities have better + live longer. 

Help people with learning disabilities get jobs they want + create a benefits system that is fair and reduces poverty.  

Ensure the same access to housing options as is available non-disabled peers.  

Make sure this is an accessible election!

Download the Good Lives Summary graphic here