No HOLDs Barred – everything you ever wanted to know about Home Ownership for people with Long-term Disabilities (HOLD)

Friday, March 22 2019

To see the recorded session of this webinar please click here

Although it’s been around since 1997, helping significant numbers of individuals with a wide range of different disabilities to buy homes of their own, many people still think HOLD’s too good to be true.

So LDE members MySafeHome Limited (who support people who want to buy a home using HOLD) are inviting any questions about this unique Government approved homeownership model that their Managing Director, David Abbey (himself a member of LDE’s Representative Body) will answer in a live webinar.

Whatever you want to know about HOLD this is your chance to find out, in fact, the tougher and more in-depth the questions the better!

PS: Completely new to HOLD?  Visit to find out more or click here to view last year’s introduction to HOLD webinar.

David Abbey

David Abbey has worked in the financial services sector since 1984 and is a fully qualified Financial Adviser.Back in 1997, he was invited to join a ‘steering group’ to develop a process to enable people with a disability (who also rely on benefits for their income) to buy a home of their own. The result was a unique Government approved shared ownership model, known as HOLD (Home Ownership for people with Long-term Disabilities).

David then established MySafeHome Limited to provide everyone involved in helping people with disabilities realise their dream of home ownership with the support they need and to date almost 1,300 individuals have used HOLD to buy their own home.

Passionate about the personalisation agenda David is the UK’s subject matter expert in homeownership for people with disabilities and in July 2017 was honoured to be elected to the LDE Representative Body.

“It’s MY Life” – Self-Advocacy for people with Learning Disabilities

19th June 2018

View the recording here

We all know that people with learning disabilities should be more involved in planning the services they use; they should have the right to speak up for themselves and be involved in making decisions that affect them. But how do we ensure that their voices are heard?

The purpose of this webinar is to share ideas and discuss the importance of self-advocacy. We will focus on how people with learning disabilities are supported to get their voices heard, feel respected and get the best outcomes. We will give an overview of the tools and opportunities we have adopted and how self-advocacy training has empowered people with a learning disability to speak up for themselves. This webinar will be co-led by SPICE Self-Advocates Daniel and Maz who will share their stories and inspire others.

This webinar will be useful to self advocates, service providers, commissioners, parents, carers and anyone else who is committed to supporting self-advocacy.

Presented by:

Daniel Docherty is a self-advocate and founding member of SPICE. He has over 25 years’ experience of setting up self-advocacy groups including Manchester People First. He delivers training to professionals, social work students, and to other people with learning disabilities. He works hard to advocate for people with learning disabilities to have the same rights as everyone else.

Maz Tweedy is a self-advocate and member of SPICE. She uses her personal experiences and first-hand knowledge to make a positive difference and inspire change. She provides training, is part of a quality checking group and sits on several learning disability groups throughout Greater Manchester.

Kim Barrett is the Personalisation Lead at Future Directions CIC. She works closely with individuals, families and support teams to enable people to reach their dreams, wishes and aspirations. She drives all aspects of the personalisation agenda forward and delivers self-advocacy training.

Jenny Neville is a Project Manager who works closely with SPICE which is a self-advocacy group made up of people supported by Future Directions CIC. She supports SPICE to develop their skills and confidence. She empowers them to campaign for greater rights, choice and control and to have a voice, challenge stereotypes and make a positive difference to the lives of all people with learning disabilities.

Transgender support for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism

18th May 2018

View the recording here

People with learning disabilities and/or autism, may be considering a transition from the gender they grew up with, to a gender role they feel more comfortable with. Indeed, the person may have made this transition. As it is the case with the general population, people with learning disabilities may be exposed to discrimination, abuse, ignorance and also faced with practical and emotional stresses linked with everyday life in their new gender identity.

The Webinar will focus on how people with learning disabilities and/or autism are supported to navigate these practical and emotional difficulties and signpost to networks that may benefit and support people further. The Webinar will also consider the accessibility of information and support to this group.

Michael Fullerton, Director of Quality and Clinical Care in CMG will present this Webinar. Michael is a registered learning disability nurse and works individually with a number of people with learning disabilities and autism to support their sexual and gender identity. Michael, as a learning disability nurse, has a unique position of working in a clinical role within a learning disability provider organisation. As CMG support over 900 people, Michael is able to offer support to a significant number of people, including in relation to relationships and sexuality.

Michael has witnessed an increasing number of people who are trans men or trans women, or are confused, haven’t ‘come out’ and the psychological impact of the stress and distress for people can be immense. Michael is therefore keen to ensure the support people receive from CMG and other networks is as responsive as possible to assist people to feel comfortable with their gender identity and choices and just be able to get on with their lives.

Michael has received training via the Family Planning Association to educate people with learning disabilities in relation to sexuality and has been gaining knowledge and inspiration about supporting transgender from the Clare Project in Brighton, a mainstream Transgender Support group.

Webinar: HOLD the future in your hands – Home ownership for people with disabilities

28th December 2017

View the recording here

The webinar will give you an overview of the unique Government approved home ownership model known as HOLD (Home Ownership for people with Long-term Disabilities). 

David will cover eligibility, how it works and the range of benefits to the buyer, their family, Local Authorities/Clinical Commissioning Groups and the country as a whole! We’re also hoping to be joined by a parent of someone who’s already bought a home of their own using HOLD to explain just what a difference it’s made to all their lives. 

Presented by: 

David Abbey has worked in the financial services sector since 1984 and is a fully qualified Financial Adviser. Back in 1997 he was invited to join a ‘steering group’ to develop a process to enable people with a disability (who also rely on benefits for their income) to buy a home of their own. The result was a unique Government approved shared ownership model, known as HOLD (Home Ownership for people with Long-term Disabilities). 

David then established MySafeHome Limited to provide everyone involved in helping people with disabilities realise their dream of home ownership with the support they need and to date, almost 1,300 individuals have used HOLD to buy their own home. Passionate about the personalisation agenda David is the UK’s subject matter expert in home ownership for people with disabilities and in July 2017 was honoured to be elected to the LDE Representative Body.

Susan and John Kirkman are parents of a severely autistic son, who is living happily in his own home, with 24:7 1:1 support thanks to My Safe Home. We are both ex-teachers and by chance taught at a school with an autistic resource. The very first pupils were attached to our forms! 

We are passionate about the rights of those with autism and/or a learning disability to live a life comparable with those of their peers, in terms of activities, access to learning and how and where they live and with whom. Choice is fundamental to a happy, stable and fulfilling life.

For more information about My Safe Home visit:

Photos from the 2021 Annual Conference Staying Strong Getting Stronger

Learning Disability England Annual Conferences 2023

The conference looked a little different this year and we were really pleased to have the chance to connect with members both online and in person. 

There were 3 opportunities to come to the 2023 conference. 

Not yet a member?

Why not join today and come together with other members working for change.

Membership starts at only £12 a year for individuals.

Find out more and join

If you have any questions or want to find out more, contact us.


Phone: 0300 111 0444

Want to find out more about the 2022 online conference? Click here!

Rep Body Elections 2022

Voting in the 2022 Representative Body elections opened at 9am on Monday 30th May 2022.

Voting will close at 9am on Monday 27th June 2022.

Please make sure you have voted before then or your vote will not count.

Are you ready to vote?

The Representative Body (Rep Body) are people elected by you to speak up for you and help make sure Learning Disability England is doing a good job.

Only current members on 30th May 2022 will be able to vote.

Your voting link will be sent to your email address at 9am on Monday 30 May 2022 direct from Survey Monkey.

Read the easy read guide to voting to find out everything you need to know

Do you need a Proxy Vote?

Fill in the Proxy Vote form here

Do you need a postal vote?

Contact us on and we will send this to you

Is your membership up to date?

Only people and organisations that are members on 30th May 2022 will be able to vote in the elections.

Contact or phone 0300 111 0444 if you have a query about your membership or have not got your voting link.

Members will have 1 vote each.

There are vacancies for:

2 self advocate reps – people with learning disabilities

2 family and friends reps

2 paid supporter reps – this can be individual members or people working for an organisation that is a member

If you have questions you can contact us by email on

Or phone us on 0300 111 0444.

Webinars and Events

You can find all of the webinars and events that Learning Disability England are currently hosting on line here

Some meetings are members only but others are open to anyone – just check the event

If you are not a member yet you can find out about joining here

Are you a member looking for a recording of a past webinar?

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Campaigns led by members and partners

Learning Disability England supports lots of different campaigns led by members and partners. There are many ways we do this to help achieve the shared goal of Good Lives. You can find out about the different campaigns by searching through the categories below.