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Road Map out of lockdown 2021

On February 22 2021, the government came out with a roadmap of how we will come out of lockdown.

This is a plan of 4 steps, explaining how we will see restrictions start to lift and a return to normal life.

The Prime Minister has just announced that restrictions that were expected to be lifted on June 21st (step 4) will now happen on July 19th read more here.

Inclusion North have made an easy read about this update that you can see here.

You can see the full government roadmap here

Here is a video from NWTDT explaining the roadmap.

Here is an Easy-read guide on the government’s 4-step plan out of lockdown from Cornwall People First

Here are more details on the changes that will happen on each date:

Step 1 – 8 and 29 March

Step 2 – not before 12 April

Step 3 – not before 17 May

Step 4 – July 19

How can I stay connected?

We know how important it is for us all to stay in touch, have fun and stay busy and active during COVID-19.

Here are some ideas and activities from our members and partners that you can join in.

There are also some guides to help you get online using technology.

We would love to hear about your events and activities so we can share them on this page.

You can contact us by email: or by phone: 0300 111 0444

Other resources that can help

The resources on this page are from Learning Disability England members and our partner organisations.

They will give you ideas and tips about how to follow the official government guidance and look after yourself, your family and the people you support.

Easy Read resources are now in each section to help you find them.

Self-Advocacy and families supporting each other: Recordings

Previous sessions of this meeting include:

Session 1: What are people doing? What are the big concerns?

In this session we discuss how people are adapting to changes because of lock down. We talk about what people are planning to do to keep them working, connected and positive.

Session 2: Keeping Connected

In this session, Sunderland People First, Ace Anglia and Supported Loving share what they are doing to keep working and connected with their members.

Session 3: Helping people who struggle to access technology

In this session shared ideas about how we can help people who don’t have technology or an understanding of how to us it.

What the government is saying

On 22 February 2021 the government came out with a roadmap of how we will come out of lockdown. You can read that here.

Here is a video from NWTDT explaining how the restrictions will be lifted.

From April 1st 2021 those on the extremely clinically vulnerable no longer need to shield.

From 12 April non-essential retail can now open as well as outdoor hospitality venues and most outdoor attractions. Read more about what you can and cannot do now here.

From 17 May all outdoor restrictions on meeting others outdoors are lifted and all indoor hospitality can open.

The Prime Minister has just announced that restrictions that were expected to be lifted on June 21st (step 4) will now happen on July 19th read more here.

Inclusion North has made an easy read about the update you can see here.

You can read more government guidance in ‘Key Current Guidance Documents’ below.

Other Webinar and Workshop Recordings

On this page you will find recordings of past partner webinars.

For recordings of Learning Disability England member webinars, please email

BAME workforce: COVID-19 recovery and beyond. A webinar series from Skills for Care exploring and debating the support for BAME staff across social care.

Supporting mental health in the new normal, An employment webinar from Trowers and Hamlin law firm.

Growing Older, Living Well: Coping with illness, dying, death, bereavement and learning disability during the Covid-19 outbreak. A webinar from BILD.

COVID-19 Day Service Re-opening Webinar from the Local Government Association

A range of webinars from NCVO:

A range of webinars from Be Human, including sessions on employing PA’s (Personal Assistants) using Direct Payments and conversations around CPR.