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Being independant starts at home

Having my own flat is really important to me. I like being independent and being able to live an independent life” Richard, Learning Disability England member

Many people want the same as Richard but are not getting the chance to live an independant life. Some people are recorded by Councils as living in unsettled housing.

Read more  “Being independant starts at home”

Improving the Uptake of Annual Health Checks

Learning Disability England is part of a partnership of 4 organisations looking into what things are getting in the way of people with a learning disability having their vital Annual Health Check. Current evidence already shows that these checks identify unmet health needs and reduce inequalities however, only 53% of people with a learning disability are having their Annual Health Check. The actual figure is known to be much higher as this only identifies those who are registered with their GP.

Read more  “Improving the Uptake of Annual Health Checks”