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Community Catalysts helping to unlock the assets of people with a learning disability or autism

This year Learning Disability Week focuses on employment which social enterprise Community Catalysts welcomes, as they recognise that people with a learning disability and those on the autistic spectrum have skills, interests and talents that are often unseen and untapped.

Read more  “Community Catalysts helping to unlock the assets of people with a learning disability or autism”


At Learning Disability England we know that the only way to create good policy is to work alongside people with learning disabilities and their families.

We are offering policy-makers the opportunity to consult and work with us and our members across the country.

An example of policy comment and development where our members have been collaborating is the Mental Capacity Amendment Act. You can read the response and briefing here

We know it’s important to point out problems but we also want to offer solutions. We promise we will never do one without doing the other.

Our members are experts and know a lot about different areas of policy like:

  • Housing
  • Supported Living
  • Employment
  • Criminal Justice
  • Education
  • Health
  • Social Care
  • Building Stronger Communities
  • Making Services Better

Many of our member organisations have been leaders and innovators in these areas.

To work with Learning Disability England to develop policy, please contact us.