Move-on schemes

Some providers use the name ‘move-on’ for a type of service available through a supported living arrangement. This is usually provided through a local council or housing association. Services vary in what they offer. Some providers may have an arranged training courses for young people to attend.

Your local Council is the best place to ask about if there are any move on schemes in your area.

There may be criteria for accessing move-on accommodation; for example, it may only be available to young people between the ages of 18 and 30 via a nomination or direct referral process.

Once accepted by the service, the support required by individuals will be assessed. The support will be provided by a support worker/keyworker who will provide consistent visits to offer support. This type of service often acts as the bridge between supported housing and living independently. 

They may provide help with:

  • cooking
  • cleaning 
  • shopping
  • maintaining an independent tenancy
  • linking in with healthcare services
  • budgeting and managing money and benefits
  • increasing social and living skills and broader support networks
  • education, training and work opportunities

Young people cannot stay in this supported accommodation indefinitely. Time spent there will vary from person to person, but many schemes expect that  within two years a young person will have the skills and knowledge to consider living independently, either in move-on accommodation or external supported, or unsupported, housing.

Some young people who are ready to move on may still require some level of support, for example through the structure of supported housing and/or a floating support service.